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This Utility API lets you crop images either in png, jpeg, jpg, bmp, tiff, gif or webp formats.
Cropping an image can improve its overall composition by removing distracting or irrelevant elements and focusing on the main subject.
This provides several other benefits like improved composition, adjusting aspect ratio, highlighting details, removing unwanted content, and saving storage space. It can be used to improve the visual impact of an image, make it more effective for a particular purpose, or reduce its file size.
Select API Endpoints

API Playground

API Documentation

input file: output file

Request example

curl --location --request POST 'https://api.apyhub.com/processor/image/crop/file?output=test-sample&preserve_format=true' \
--header 'apy-token: {{token}}' \
--form 'image=@"stock-photo.jpg"'
--form 'top="30px"'
Method: POST
Content Type: multipart/form-data
Query Parameter(s)
outputStringNoThe name of the output file, defaults to output.png
preserve_formatBooleanNoTo preserve the format of the output image file, set it to true. The default is false, which returns a jpeg image.
Request Body
imageFileYesThe source image file in supported formats such as png, jpeg, jpg, bmp, tiff, gif, or webp.
topstringNoThe desired top margin for cropping can be specified either in pixels, like 10px, or as a percentage, such as 10%or simple10. By default, it assumes that the value is provided as a percentage.
bottomstringNoThe desired bottom margin for cropping can be specified either in pixels, like 10px, or as a percentage, such as 10%or simple10. By default, it assumes that the value is provided as a percentage.
leftstringNoThe desired left margin for cropping can be specified either in pixels, like 10px, or as a percentage, such as 10%or simple10. By default, it assumes that the value is provided as a percentage.
rightstringNoThe desired right margin for cropping can be specified either in pixels, like 10px, or as a percentage, such as 10%or simple10. By default, it assumes that the value is provided as a percentage.
Please note that at least one value for either the top, bottom, left, or right margin must be provided.
Sample Response
The method returns the cropped image in the output file mentioned in the URI.

HTTP Response Codes

The method may return one of the following HTTP status codes:
Status CodeDescription
200The request was successful.
401Required authentication information is either missing or not valid for the resource.
400Invalid input - the image file is corrupt or the height and width are not provided.
500If any unexpected error occurs while processing the request.


All API requests to ApyHub services need to be authenticated. Currently we support tokens or basic authentication mechanisms. You can generate and view your existing credentials from your workspace settings (on the left side of the navbar) and go to “API Keys".
Points to note:
  • Credential secrets are generated on the fly and are not stored in plain text, so on generating a credential please save the secrets somewhere safe.
  • Use the apy-token as the header parameter to pass the token.
  • Use the Authorization header to send the basic authentication credentials.

Error codes

"error": {
"code": 105,
"message": "Invalid URL"
To search for a specific error code, enter the code in the search box below. Alternatively, you can click on the button to view a complete list of all error codes.
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