Generate Thumbnail from Video Job API - ApyHub

Generate Thumbnail from Video Job API

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The Generate Thumbnail from Video Job API provides a reliable, asynchronous solution for extracting thumbnails of any size from various video sources. Simply submit a job request with the input video, desired output dimensions, and any other relevant parameters. Then, track the job status at your convenience. Once completed, the requested thumbnails are ready for retrieval—no need to hold execution while processing occurs.
This asynchronous, job-based API is suitable for applications handling multiple video files or large-scale image extraction tasks. It ensures quick, efficient processing of thumbnails for previews, galleries, or video-editing suites, while freeing you to manage other workflows simultaneously.
Try the Video Thumbnail Job API in the API playground for free and improve both your efficiency and the reliability of your media asset pipeline with a simple, job-oriented API call.
Apy Jobs are long running calls which are split into two actions:
1. Submitting the job
2. Checking the status of the job and receiving the response on successful completion of the job.
Select API Endpoints

API Playground

API Documentation

Generate Thumbnail from Video Submit Job : input file

Request example

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'apy-token: {{token}}' \
--form 'video=@"sample.mp4"'
--form 'time="1"'
--form 'size="400x300"'
Method: POST
Content Type: multipart/form-data
Query Parameter(s)
persistentBooleanNoSet to true to retain the converted video URL indefinitely. If false, the URL expires after 15 minutes, default false.
Request Body
videoFileYesThe source video file in any of supported formats (mp4,webm,flv,avi,mkv,mov,3gp).
timeStringNoThe time in seconds at which you want to generate the thumbnail. For example: if a video is 3 minutes long and you want to generate thumbnail at 90th second then this will be as time: 90 and it defaults to 1 (generate thumbnail at 1st second of the video).
sizeStringNoThe dimensions of the generated image file, should be in WidthxHeight format and it defaults to original_size.
job_idStringThe ID of the Job associated with the input video file, which can be utilized by the "Check Status" endpoint to retrieve the image thumbnail.
Sample Response
"job_id": "4f3dfb22-33df-49f6-9820-7d8219ab6dc4"

HTTP Response Codes

The method may return one of the following HTTP status codes:
Status CodeDescription
200The request was successful.
401Required authentication information is either missing or not valid for the resource.
400Invalid input - the provided files are corrupt or the supported inputs are not provided.
500If any unexpected error occurs while processing the request.


All API requests to ApyHub services need to be authenticated. Currently we support tokens or basic authentication mechanisms. You can generate and view your existing credentials from your workspace settings (on the left side of the navbar) and go to “API Keys".
Points to note:
  • Credential secrets are generated on the fly and are not stored in plain text, so on generating a credential please save the secrets somewhere safe.
  • Use the apy-token as the header parameter to pass the token.
  • Use the Authorization header to send the basic authentication credentials.

Error codes

"error": {
"code": 105,
"message": "Invalid URL"
To search for a specific error code, enter the code in the search box below. Alternatively, you can click on the button to view a complete list of all error codes.
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