
New Pricing Update

Updates on the upcoming changes in ApyHub's pricing plan
New Pricing Update
Joshua Daniel
Last updated on April 02, 2024
On May 1st, 2024 ApyHub is implementing some changes in the subscription plans. These changes are aimed at simplifying and improving the developer's experience with ApyHub through the introduction of new tools, APIs, and resources.
Some of the key changes are that we are removing the different limits per catalog (Base, Premium and AI) in every plan - whether using your own credentials (from MS or Google) or you want to use ApyHub . This will make AI APIs accessible to everyone - by introducing ApyHub as a provider in addition to the Bring Your Own License (BYOL) model that we had so far.

Who is affected?

All users of the starter plan and users who upgrade to the paid plans after the 30th of April 2024.

Who is not affected?

Users who are already in one of the paid plans before the changes take effect will continue using their ApyHub subscription with their current pricing till May 2025.

Starting on May 1st, 2024, the following will apply:

  • The starter plan will have a throttling limit of 5 API requests/day. In order to make more API requests, users will need to be in one of the other plans. The prices of these plans are going to change as well. The new prices are below:
    • Pro plan: Price will increase to EUR 15 per month for up to 1 user
    • Pro + plan: New plan for EUR 40 per month for up to 3 users
    • Team plan: Price will change to EUR 80 per month for 6 users
    • Scale plan: Price will change to EUR 250 for up to 20 users

Important notes:

Users who are already in one of the paid plans before the changes take effect will not be affected by the changes.
Users can still take advantage of the current pricing and freeze it for the next 1 year by upgrading before the pricing changes take effect (last day being the 30th of April 2024).
Providing a great developer experience remains our top priority. This change will allow us to continue refining and designing more powerful API tools to ensure your success, and providing the awesome support you expect from ApyHub.


Why are you making these changes?

As mentioned above, ApyHub is committed to providing a great developer experience. This is why we are constantly looking to add new APIs and tools in the platform - tools that will help developers build applications better and faster. This change will allow us to continue refining and designing more powerful API tools to ensure your success, and providing the awesome support you expect from ApyHub.

Will 2 million atoms still be available on the starter plan?

The starter plan will no longer have atoms associated with it. Users in this plan will have the opportunity to try out and experience all any API in our catalog without worrying if the API is a simple one or an AI enabled one. The limit however, will be 5 API calls per day.

What happens if I am already on a paid plan?

These changes are not applicable to any user that is already in a paid plan. However, users who want to upgrade to another (higher) paid plan after May 1st, will have to upgrade based on the new prices. This is why we advise users to consider upgrading to their desired plan before that change takes effect. By doing so, they will have the opportunity to freeze this price for another year.

Do I need to upgrade if I want to invite my other team members?

Yes, depending on how many users you would like to invite in your workspace, you need to consider upgrading to the relevant plan.
The starter plan allows for a single user while the rest are as follows:
  • Pro: 1 User
  • Pro + : 3 Users
  • Team: 6 Users
  • Scale: 20 Users
If you need more than 20, send us an email - we will be happy to send you a custom offer.

What if I have some additional comments and questions?

If you have any questions or need assistance with your account, please don't hesitate to reach out. Our team will be happy to discuss these changes and help you make the best out of your ApyHub plan.